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semesters (180 ECTS)
Bachelor of Arts in Business
University places
per year

Study Program

We offer a comprehensive Bachelor’s degree to train real estate generalists; the program covers all sectors from business to law and technology, real estate affairs to English as a foreign language and personal development.


  • The range of real estate relevant teaching units makes our Bachelor’s degree stand out from others in the field. The intensity of this type of degree program is unique in Austria.
  • The Bachelor’s degree program in Real Estate has been accredited by the renowned Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) for 2016-2020. 2014 and 2015 were also accredited retrospectively.
  • The real estate degree program at FHWien der WKW has been a member of the international real estate federation (FIABCI) since 2007.
  • The Bachelor’s degree program in Real Estate has been accredited by the CEPI (European Association of Real Estate Professions).
RICS Accredited Course
European Association of Real Estate Professions


Type of degree program

Part-time study program

Regularly 2-4 evenings per week, occasionally 5 evenings or Saturdays (especially in the 1st semester)

Courses in these times (partly on campus and partly online):

  • Mon – Thurs: 18:30 – max. 21:45
  • Fri: 17:30 at the earliest – max. 21:45
  • Sat: 08:30 at the earliest – max. 16:30

Language of instruction

German (single modules in English)

Study-abroad semester



From the 1st semester; transfer credits possible for students working in a related field while studying

Start of degree program

Always at the beginning of the winter semester in September

Place of study

wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna
(U6 metro station Währinger Straße/Volksoper)



34 part-time university places are available each year. These are offered to the candidates that are best qualified, based on the ranking from the student admissions procedure.


€ 363.36,- per semester (excl. Austrian students’ union fee)

More information

Brush-Up courses

fit4fh Brush-Up courses for Bachelor’s students

Focus & Qualifications

Comprehensive knowledge for real estate generalists

The degree program in real estate conveys academic knowledge in the following cross-disciplinary areas:

  • Business (i.e. economics, business administration, real estate finance and real estate investment)
  • Technology (i.e. structural basics, planning, building, general renovation)
  • Law (i.e. civil law, residence law, public construction law, fiscal law)
  • Real estate (i.e. property management and real estate agency)
  • Foreign language (English)
  • Personal development (social skills)

The high number of real estate relevant teaching units makes our Bachelor’s degree stand out from others in the field. The intensity of this type of degree program is unique in Austria.

The degree program is for

  • HAK or HBLA graduates
  • HTL-graduates (i.e. building construction, facility management)
  • University graduates (i.e. lawyers, economists, architects, construction technicians)
  • Professionals in “classic” real estate jobs (estate agent, estate management, commercial and non-profit property developers)
  • Employees from banks, insurance companies and public authorities
  • Consultants and advisors with a focus on real estate


Know more – do more

The requirements of the labor market are growing and growing – making it increasingly important to be “fit for the job” after completing your degree program. Curricula are improved on an ongoing basis so as to fit in with developments in the working world and new international trends. This is to prepare our graduates for the beginning of – or the next step in – their careers. Our motto spans from “know more” to “do more” – meaning that we focus more on practical strengths learned. Teaching, learning and exams at FHWien der WKW are completed in modules. This means: Topic blocks make up modules, and at the end of the module there is an exam.

What is a module?

A module is a teaching unit consisting of multiple topic blocks, which are thematically linked and cover a specific area relevant to the degree program. In this module, clearly defined skills will be developed, with an examination of all sub elements at the end.

How does it help students?

Teaching is directed towards learning outcomes. Competency-based learning and fewer exams – which are integrated and more comprehensive – make up the curricula. Students’ personal development and their employability in business is our central goal.

Job & Career

The real estate industry deals with the construction, management and valuation of all types of real estate, especially residential and commercial real estate. Broad knowledge in the chosen discipline, practical relevance and a focus on the job market create the conditions for a quick and qualified career start.

Well-trained real estate experts are highly sought after in numerous sectors:

  • Real estate agency and management
  • Construction industry, ancillary building trades
  • Tax consultancy, law firms and notary’s offices


Curious about our study program? Inform yourself about the requirements and the admissions procedure at FHWien der WKW.

Admission requirements Bachelor's programs
Admissions procedure Bachelor's programs

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  • exclusive information about our study programs,
  • helpful tips for the admissions procedure and
  • exciting insights into our practical projects, semester abroad, alumni stories and much more

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Yours sincerely,
FHWien der WKW

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News & Events

Study Program & Contact

The Real Estate Management Study Programs offer the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary degree program in the real estate sector in Vienna. Our graduates are trained real estate generalists. Learn more about us:

  • Team & contact
  • News & events

Master's Degree Program

Master's Degree Program Real Estate Management

The Master’s program offers a sound academic and practice-oriented training and paves the way to the management levels of real estate companies. It requires a good basic knowledge of real estate.

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