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Gerald Janous
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FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous

Head of Master's Program Marketing & Sales Management

Head of Program MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing
Master of Arts (CE)
University places


Unique combination of IT and Digital Marketing

Classic marketing degrees traditionally focus on business knowledge and degrees in IT tend to focus on technical skills. The increase of digitalization has led to a disparity on the labor market: Companies are having problems finding well educated employees in the “interdisciplinary” field of digital marketing. The MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing: Graduates from degree programs with a focus on business administration or communication that did not have a focus on IT, as well as people with sound work experience in business administration can use this degree program to expand their career options to a digital area. Business administration skills are a prerequisite for the degree program, IT skills will be taught throughout the program and linked with contents from communication, marketing and sales.

Optimal compatibility with career

Students of the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing at FHWien der WKW will be able to continue working during their studies. Learning is flexible both in respect to time and place, in particular because of the high amount of distance learning with marketing relevant IT contents in the first year. Our teachers work with approved and well structured IT learning material suitable for use at home. In the second year of the degree program, practically relevant modules about digital marketing are held at FHWien der WKW and are blocked together; alternatively you can also attend these modules online. This means that both years of study can be completed without compulsory attendance. The application-oriented Master’s thesis in the second academic year promotes the blending of professional questions with scientific evaluations. The degree program is completed after four semesters with an oral Master’s examination and the receipt of the academic title “Master of Arts (Continuing Education)”.


As the only MA (CE) program in Austria, the content of studies in the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing unites the need of businesses for qualified IT- AND marketing digital communications experts.

  • In the first academic year you will learn about the fundamentals of IT necessary for working on the interface between communication, marketing and sales on the one hand and IT on the other hand. No IT skills are required at the beginning of the degree program.
  • In the second academic year, students learn more about digital marketing communication, which is a mix of business administration, communication science and IT.


Type of degree program

1st year – distance learning degree with (voluntary) revision sessions at FHWien der WKW

2nd year – part-time degree program (1-2 weekend blocks per month, Friday and Saturday) Students not resident in Vienna can also attend online.

Language of instruction


Start of degree program

In fall (September)

Place of Study

FHWien der WKW, 1180 Vienna



€ 13,900 for the whole degree program

Early Bird Bonus

For bookings until 31.03.2025 only € 12,900

Grants & Financing

Here you find an overview of the funding opportunities.


The MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing is structured in modules and is completed with a Master’s thesis and a Master’s examination.

The MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing is a study program for continuing academic education according to § 9 FHG with the degree „Master of Arts (Continuing Education)“.

Focus & Qualifications

Your path to becoming a digital marketing expert.

Teaching concept
The learning concept of the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing is distinguished because of its high level of practically relevant content, its innovative teaching and learning methods and its compatibility with the needs of working students. The first academic year is mainly on a distance learning basis. After a team building workshop allowing students to get to know each other and to network, a teaching module will be completed every month from September until June. The teaching staff and students work with e-learning material, which is supplemented by suitable literature. On average, students can meet every week at FHWien der WKW on a voluntary basis for a revision session, to clear up open questions and help students prepare for the final performance. This revision sessions are also offered online via Zoom. The monthly final module performance is uploaded to the FHWien teaching platform and additionally evaluated in an (online) examination interview.

In the second academic year, working in small groups and the Master’s thesis come to the fore. On one to two weekend blocks per month, classes which must be attended take place at FHWien der WKW. You can also attend online. Interdisciplinary teams made up of teaching with a professional business background ensure that all business administration, communication science and technical aspects of digital marketing are covered and connected with one another.


The content and the order of the classes and modules for the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing have been chosen so that an integrative overall understanding of marketing communication over diverse channels (internet, social media, mobile) through confrontation with ICT operating modes, as well as business administrative and communication scientific requirements can be built upon systematically.

The focus of the degree program

The degree program has two areas of focus, the 16 modules are assigned to one of these areas of focus.

Marketing relevant areas of business informatics (no IT skills required)

  • Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • Fundamentals of Business IT
  • Mathematical Logical fundamentals of Computer Science
  • IT Project Management
  • SQL and relational databases
  • Web programming
  • Data Warehouse and data mining
  • Digital Business Models
  • Web design and ergonomics
  • Web applications

Digital marketing communications

Content marketing

  • Content strategy, content production
  • Content management systems (CMS)


  • Digital assortment policy, e-commerce solutions
  • Data-driven pricing, price metrics

Search machine marketing

  • Online customer behavior
  • Search engine optimization (SEO),
    search engine advertisement (SEA)

Mobile marketing

  • Mobile user behavior, mobile advertising
  • App marketing, app monetization

Social media marketing

  • Operating principles of social media, building up a community, content management
  • Crowdsourcing, crisis management, success monitoring

Marketing and sales automation

  • Recurring processes in marketing and sales
  • Application of Automation tools

Students are prepared for their professional careers as marketing communicators in the digital world by acquiring technical, methodic, scientific and implementation-oriented qualifications and skills. AI content is a cross-sectional subject of the degree program, which our lecturers also use in teaching in all subject areas where it makes sense in practice (e.g. as support tools for programming, content creation, etc.).

Curricula are improved on an ongoing basis so as to fit in with developments in the working world and new international trends. Our motto spans from “know more” to “do more” – meaning that we focus on practical usefulness of what we have learned.

Job & Career

The MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing seizes on the need for qualified IT communication experts and offers its graduates a career in the highly promising field of digital marketing.

Marketing departments from all sectors are in search of well-qualified employees in the area of digital marketing. They are looking for candidates with a combination of skills in communication, marketing and sales as well as IT skills.


Target group & Admission requirements

The MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing is aimed at experienced professionals with in-depth business management skills, ideally in marketing, communications or sales departments. No previous IT knowledge beyond user knowledge is required.

Admission requirements are

  • completion of a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent degree with at least 180 ECTS credits at a recognized domestic or foreign post-secondary educational institution,
  • at least two years of relevant professional experience

Application process

  1. Come talk to us!

    Call us or write us an e-mail: Gerald Janous (tel.: 0800 40 00 77-02, e-mail:! Together we will discuss whether the intended study program is the right one for you and whether you meet all admission requirements.

  2. Send all documents (letter of motivation, résumé, certificates) to

  3. University places awarded: 2 weeks after receipt of your documents at the latest

    Due to the limited number of places available, it is recommended that you apply as early as possible.

Program information

If you have questions regarding the MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing please contact our Head of Program, FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous via telephone 0800 40 00 77-02 or email (

Grants & Financing


  • Tax reimbursement: You can write off the tuition fees against your taxes, as long as the continuing education program is relevant or related to your current occupational field. The tax advantage depends on your total income. You could be reimbursed for up to 43.6 % of the tuition fees!
    More information can be found here:
    Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
    Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
    Tel.: 01/514 33-0
    E-mail contact form
  • Tax deductibility for companies:
    Entrepreneurs can deduct continuing education costs as business expenses.
    More information can be found here:
    Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
    Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
    Tel.: 01/514 33-0
    E-mail contact form

Grants in Austria

Grants at the federal state level

Possibility of support of up to 5,000 EUR of tuition fees with the "Bildungskonto"

Learn about Brain Capital education funds for flexible study financing:

Brain Capital Master Education Fund

All information is without guarantee. Please be aware that we cannot make any guarantees about grants!

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