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Vienna Management Academy

From good to great!

At the Vienna Management Academy by FHWien der WKW you will find offers for professionals who want to climb the next step on the career ladder with a continuing education program.

Depending on the continuing education program you will receive an MBA, an EMBA, an BA (CE), an BPr or an MA (CE) or title of Academic Expert – awarded by Austria’s leading University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication.

The qualifications acquired in your professional career are recognized. Within a manageable time frame of 2 months to 4 semesters at university level, they will be expanded by current, practice-relevant competencies for (prospective) managers.

The portfolio includes university programs in the five subject areas of Digital Transformation, Real Estate Management, Communication & Marketing, Management as well as Sustainability. All programs can be taken part-time.

We also offer companies customized trainings for specialist and management development.

= part-time

Continuing Education Programs

Learn more about Academic Expert for Cross-Media Journalism

Academic Expert for Cross-Media Journalism

In the fight against fake news, journalists who can use digital research tools and innovative storytelling formats are more in demand than ever. As a graduate of this hands-on course, you will be able to turn fact-based re-search into audiovisual stories and publish them on digital channels in a way that is appropriate for your target audience.

Learn more about Academic Expert for Data Journalism

Academic Expert for Data Journalism

With the only academic continuing education program on data journalism in the German-speaking world, editors become sought-after experts in the fields of digital research, data analysis, visualization and interactive format development.

Learn more about Academic Expert in IT & Management

Academic Expert in IT & Management

In this two-semester program, central and current competences from IT are taught at university level for participants with a business background from practice or study. The IT and management skills acquired are the ideal complement to any previous business education.

Learn more about Certified Program Sustainable Finance Management

Certified Program Sustainable Finance Management

The Certified Program Sustainable Finance Management (18 days) is a combined format of the two compact seminars ESG & Sustainable Finance and EU-Regulations. It is supplemented by the module “Sustainability in the Financial Markets”.

Learn more about Compact Seminar: ESG & Sustainable Finance

Compact Seminar: ESG & Sustainable Finance

The compact seminar "ESG & Sustainable Finance" (duration: 6 days) offers you practical and efficient tools for the implementation of ESG programs in companies.

Learn more about Compact Seminar: EU-Regulations

Compact Seminar: EU-Regulations

The compact seminar "EU-Regulations" provides a compact overview of the EU taxonomy and non-financial reporting (CSRD) in practical application.

Learn more about Compact Training Course HR in Tourism

Compact Training Course HR in Tourism

The compact training course HR in Tourism is a unique combination of HR and tourism know-how. The program enables graduates to gain a professional and practice-oriented entry into HR management with a focus on tourism.

Learn more about International MBA in Management & Communications

International MBA in Management & Communications

The International MBA in Management & Communications is a postgraduate continuing education program for decision makers who want to improve their leadership skills with an academically sound and practice-oriented program.

Learn more about MA (CE) Cross-Media and Data Journalism

MA (CE) Cross-Media and Data Journalism

Become a digital professional with a Master's degree in three semesters: Learn all the steps of digital storytelling, from idea to research, multimedia implementation and cross-media marketing. With a choice of specialization in cross-media or data journalism.

Learn more about MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing

MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing

Your path to becoming a digital marketing expert. As the only MA (CE) program in Austria, the content of studies in the MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing unites the need of businesses for qualified IT- AND marketing digital communications experts.

Learn more about Sustainable Finance Management

Sustainable Finance Management

The transformation towards a sustainable economy requires new skills. In the Sustainable Finance Management programs, you acquire up-to-date and practical knowledge about managing including financing sustainability in companies as well as the professional tools to successfully initiate and manage the transformation in the company.

Learn more about MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication

MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication

The program “Cyber Psychology of Online Communication” is targeted at people interested in understanding online communication from a psychological perspective.

Learn more about MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology

MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology

The practice-based distance learning degree program MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology is for people with experience in the area of communication and industrial psychology.

Learn more about EMBA Leadership

EMBA Leadership

The EMBA Leadership and the Academic Expert for Leadership program focus on the systemic development and expansion of the student’s leadership qualities and leadership methods, in particular social and communication skills.

Corporate Academies

Tailor-made further education for specialist and management development

The Vienna Management Academy offers continuing education solutions that are industry-specific and developed to fit your company or organization. The individual programs at university level are adapted to your strategic goals and continuing education needs.

In addition, the in-house programs are a benefit to your employees and provide them with development opportunities. This puts you ahead in the “war for talent”.

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Partner Businesses

Raiffeisen Campus WIFI-Logo Akademisches Lehrinstitut für Psychologie
Raiffeisen Campus

(MSc Premium Banking)

WIFI Österreich

(BPr Applied Business Management, BPr Accounting)

Academic Institute for Higher Education GmbH, Lübeck

(MA (CE) Industrial & Communications Psychology, MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication)

Hernstein Institut für Management und Leadership Digital Campus Vorarlberg
Hernstein Institut für Management & Leadership

(EMBA Leadership)

Digital Campus Vorarlberg

(MA (CE) Digital Communication & Marketing, Acdemic Expert IT & Management)


Dr. Klemens Braunisch, MRICS

Dr. Klemens Braunisch, MRICS

Head of Real Estate Management Study Programs

Head of Program
MSc Real Estate Management

Mag.a Christine Güttel

Mag.a Christine Güttel

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Human Resources Management

Head of EMBA Leadership
FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous

FH-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Gerald Janous

Head of Master's Program Marketing & Sales Management

Head of Program MA (CE) Digital Communication and Marketing
Mirjana Jelica

Mag.a Mirjana Jelica, MA

Academic Coordinator

Mag. Markus König

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Capital Markets

Head of Program
MSc Premium Banking
Dr. Thomas Lerchl

Dr. Thomas Kaufmann-Lerchl

Head of Financial Management Study Programs

Head of Competence Center for Business Controlling & Accounting

Head of Program
MSc Controlling
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar

FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerald Kolar

Head of Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills

Head of Program
MA (CE) Cyber Psychology of Online Communication

Head of Program
MA (CE) Industrial and Communications Psychology

Heidrun Kopp Heidrun Kopp, MBA MA

Head of Program
Sustainable Finance Management
Lisa Probst

Lisa Probst, BA MA

Academic Coordinator
Friederike Reichhart

Mag.a Friederike Reichhart

Head of Program
BPr Accounting
BPr Applied Business Management
MSc Designing Digital Business
MSc Integrated Facility & Energy Management
Katharina Rotter

Katharina Rotter, BA MA

Academic Expert & Lecturer Business Administration

Head of Program Insurance Management
Manfred Schieber, MA MSc

Manfred J. Schieber, MA, MBA, MSc

Head of Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs

Head of Program
International MBA in Management & Communications
Thomas Schmid

Mag. Thomas Schmidt

Head of Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs

Head of Bachelor’s Program Marketing & Sales

Head of Competence Center for Marketing

Head of Program
MSc Marketing & Sales Management
Mag.a Gabriele Zeiner

Mag.a Gabriele Schöberl

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Competence Center for Leadership & Social Skills

Head of Program
MSc Communication & Counseling in Business
Brigitte Spies

Brigitte Spies, BA MA

Academic Coordinator
Stefan Teufl

Mag. Dr. Stefan Teufl

Head of Program
HR in Tourism
Katharina-Ulm Mag.a Mag.a Katharina Ulm

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Research Skills & Methods in Management & Entrepreneurship

Head of Program
MSc Retail Management


FHW Education & Management GmbH

Währinger Gürtel 97
1180 Vienna
Commercial Court Vienna
Company Registration Number: 530730k
VAT Number: ATU 75681068

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