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Graduates of the two part-time programs are trained and educated at the highest level for all professional fields of Austrian real estate trusteeship. The program trains experts for specialist and managerial tasks in real estate brokerage, real estate management and property development.

Carmen Dilch
You have questions about the study program? Contact us!

DIin (FH) Carmen Dilch, MSc, MRICS

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Real Estate Management

Bachelor of Arts (CE), Bachelor Professional (BPr)**
Study Places
per year

* If the specified requirements are met, it is possible to enter directly into the 2nd or 3rd semester (for more information, see application).
** The academic titles BA (CE) or BPr are awarded depending on the student’s admission route.

The study program

Education and training for real estate experts

FHWien der WKW has been successfully offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Real Estate Management since 2001. The part-time continuing education program offers a holistic, scientifically based continuing education in the areas of real estate renovation, conversion and development as well as real estate management and brokerage in Austria. This interdisciplinary education with practical relevance in teaching and research is designed to meet the high demand for academically trained real estate experts.

Good compatibility with work and private life

The course is organized on a part-time basis: The attendance dates are held in blocks, half days on Friday and full days on Saturday. In addition, some of the courses take place via distance learning (online live webinars) and online self-study. This makes it easy to combine the course with work and private life.


  • Part-time continuing education program
  • Numerous practical projects with cooperation industry partners
  • Systemic overall understanding of real estate management including current topics (e.g. EU Green Deal, climate neutrality, circular economy, AI)
  • Credit for professional licensing as a real estate trustee (real estate agent, property manager and developer)


Type of degree program

Blocked face-to-face teaching (Friday half-day/Saturday full-day) in Vienna and/or Salzburg,

supplemented by distance learning (online live webinars) and online self-study

Language of instruction


Start of program

February 2025 (preferably directly with the 2nd semester)

Place of study

FHWien der WKW, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna and/or Salzburg (depending on applicants)



depending on the number of semesters:

  • 6 semesters: € 2,487 per semester
  • 5 semesters: € 2,984 per semester
  • 4 semesters: € 3,230 per semester


Here you will find an overview of the funding opportunities.


Application deadline: until December 31, 2024

Focus & Qualifications

The practical training is based on legal, economic and technical principles and covers the entire spectrum of the real estate industry. In addition, graduates of this program have basic digital knowledge and are familiar with the current trends of digitalization in the real estate industry. They will be able to use AI-based systems in a reflected and responsible manner and use the software products commonly used in the real estate industry for real estate agents, property managers and developers in a solution-oriented manner.

The following qualifications are also acquired:

  • Credit for the professional qualification as a real estate trustee (real estate agent, real estate manager and property developer)
  • Personal certification of the Austrian Standard P22 Expert in Real Estate Valuation


The content and sequence of study modules in the developed curriculum ensure the development of a systemic overall understanding of the topic of real estate management. The program promotes interdisciplinary discussion and practice-oriented solutions through numerous projects. All modules are held in German.

The structure of the Real Estate Management study program is as follows in terms of content and time:

1st semester

  • Internship

2nd semester

  • Civil Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Finance and Accounting 1
  • Administrative, Commercial and Execution Law as well as Civil Court Proceedings

3rd semester

  • City and Regional Planning and Building Laws
  • Construction Engineering and Planning
  • Finance and Accounting 2
  • Real Estate Tax Law
  • Real Estate Marketing and Project Management

4th semester

  • Real Estate Valuation
  • Real Estate Brokerage
  • Property Management
  • Real Estate Development

5th semester

  • Real Estate Financing
  • Practical Project Newly Built Building
  • Business Management
  • Academic Research

6th semester

  • Business Information Systems for Real Estate
  • Practical Project Renovation of an Old Building
  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Bachelor`s Exam

The lessons are rounded off by a large number of industry partners.

You can find all current cooperation partner companies here.


Jobs & Career

Graduates are trained to become qualified and authorized real estate agents, property managers and property developers in accordance with the Austrian trade regulations. This enables them to take on management functions in these companies or to act as independent entrepreneurs in these areas.  The employment opportunities for graduates are independent of the economic sector (production, services), company size (small, medium-sized and large companies) and company location (in the Austrian federal states).

As all lecturers come directly from the real estate industry and all students are professionally active in the field, the course serves to expand their own professional network in the real estate industry.

Examples of professional positions:

  • Real estate brokerage: (self-employed) broker, team leader, managing director
  • Real estate management: (self-employed) real estate manager, asset manager, team leader, managing director
  • Property development: (self-employed) property developer, project developer, team leader, managing director
  • Real estate-related professions: Employee or manager in asset, portfolio and facility management, at real estate investment companies, at real estate investors, in the banking and insurance sector, in construction, etc.


Target group

The target group are employees and self-employed entrepreneurs in the real estate industry and related fields. The programs are aimed at career starters and career changers with little relevant professional experience but a keen interest in the real estate industry, as well as people with many years of experience in the real estate industry.

Admission requirements

  • BA (CE): The requirement for admission to a university course with a Bachelor’s degree in accordance with § 9 Para. 6 Z 1 FHG is at least two years of relevant professional experience. A further admission requirement is knowledge of German at level B2.
  • BPr: The requirement for admission to the Bachelor Professional according to § 9 Para. 6 Z 2 FHG is a relevant professional qualification or at least two years of relevant professional experience. A further admission requirement is knowledge of German at level B2.

Relevant professional qualification

The relevant professional qualification is given in the following cases:

  • in the case of a relevant apprenticeship qualification as a real estate agent


  • in the case of certification as a real estate agent assistant in accordance with ONR 43001-1 or as an administrator assistant in accordance with ONR 43002-1 or as a real estate agent consultant in accordance with ONR 43001-2 or as a real estate administrator consultant in accordance with ONR 43002-2 (or equivalent).

In individual cases, the Head of Program decides on the equivalence of the relevant professional qualification as an admission requirement.

Relevant professional experience

Relevant professional experience is given if it is in the professional fields and sectors of the present Bachelor’s degree program (for example in the business of real estate management, real estate brokerage and property development in accordance with § 117 para. 2, para. 3 and para. 4 of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act) or in related sectors (for example, in real estate investment companies such as foundations and institutional providers of real estate fund investments; in national and international real estate companies in asset, portfolio and facility management; in national and international, private and institutional real estate investors; in the banking and insurance sector; in the administrative sector of local authorities, in the construction industry and in the field of consulting professions with a focus on real estate, in particular lawyers, chartered accountants and tax consultants).

Possible lateral entry into the 2nd and 3rd semester

  • Persons who have passed the qualifying examination to become a real estate agent, property manager and/or property developer who have at least 750 hours of relevant professional experience can enter directly into the 3rd semester.
  • Persons with at least 2.5 years of relevant professional experience or a relevant professional qualification (e.g. a relevant apprenticeship qualification as a real estate agent or personal certification as a real estate agent assistant or real estate management assistant) and at least 750 hours of professional experience can enter the 2nd semester.

Application procedure

  1. Advice & information: Give us a call or send us an e-mail to Carmen Dilch (Tel.: +43 690 40 476 119, e-mail:!
  2. Submission of application documents (CV, proof of fulfillment of admission requirements, proof of possible credits) to
  3. Admission interview: Together we will discuss whether the program you are interested in is the right one for you and whether you meet all the admission requirements.
  4. Acceptance: probably 2 weeks after receipt of your documents. We recommend that you apply as soon as possible to secure your place!



  • Tax reimbursement: You can write off the tuition fees against your taxes, as long as the continuing education program is relevant or related to your current occupational field. The tax advantage depends on your total income. You could be reimbursed for up to 43.6 % of the tuition fees!
    More information can be found here:
    Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
    Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
    Tel.: 01/514 33-0
    E-mail contact form
  • Tax deductibility for companies:
    Entrepreneurs can deduct continuing education costs as business expenses.
    More information can be found here:
    Bundesministerium für Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance)
    Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Vienna
    Tel.: 01/514 33-0
    E-mail contact form

Grants in Austria

Grants at the federal state level

All information is without guarantee. Please also note that we cannot guarantee that funding will be granted!

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