Study Program
- You are fascinated by digital technology.
- You have previous knowledge of business.
- You have a talent for designing innovative solutions.
- You enjoy learning hands-on in the context of specific team projects.
Type of degree program
Part-time (PT)
- 60 % online learning (Tuesday and Thursday after 6.30 pm), for a good work-life balance
- 8 on-campus weekends per semester so that social interaction is not neglected
Language of instruction
Instructions in German & English – however you can choose the language for your presentations, papers and oral exams
Study abroad
2nd semester: international excursion lasting several days
4th semester: possibility of a semester abroad in connection with the Master’s thesis
Start of the degree program
Always at the beginning of the winter semester in September
Place of study
wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna
(U6 metro station Währinger Straße/Volksoper)
Application procedure
- Deadlines & Dates
- Specific admission requirements MA Digital Innovation
- Specific admissions procedure MA Digital Innovation
- Tuition fee: € 363.36 per semester (excl. Austrian students’ union fee)
- Travel and accommodation costs in connection with the international excursion lasting several days
Focus & Qualifications
Graduates combine skills from the areas of “Digital Technology“, “Innovation” and “Management“.
Use of Digital Technology
You will acquire the ability to
- familiarize yourself with emerging technology areas,
- take on coordinating roles in the agile development of prototypes (e.g. product owner) and
- assess the use of digital technology from an interdisciplinary perspective and contribute to technology selection decisions.
You are able to take responsibility for interdisciplinary innovation projects. You attach great importance to user-centered, iterative and holistic working methods:
- You work independently with agile innovation methods (e.g. from the field of design thinking).
- You use transformation strategies and innovation networks.
- You use data as an important business asset.
- Together with other corporate functions, you support the market launch of innovations from an economic, organizational and technical perspective.
You know how to use highly specialized management tools from the following areas:
- Innovation management
- Personnel management
- Strategic management
- Business planning
The focus here is on change and transformation.
Personal and Social Competencies
The Master’s program promotes your personal and social development:
- You will strengthen your ability to take responsibility for complex projects.
- You will learn how to independently familiarize yourself with emerging areas of digital technology and act as an expert mediator between future users, technicians and investors.
- You will train your creativity and resilience in a particularly dynamic environment.
Digital technology modules – 30 ECTS
Interdisciplinary modules on innovation – 36 ECTS
Module on specific management topics – 18 ECTS
Research and development modules – 30 ECTS
Final overall exam – 6 ECTS
1st semester
Module: Introduction to Software Engineering (6 ECTS)
You will receive an introduction to the concepts and principles of programming, start working with an advanced programming language (Python) and develop your first small projects independently.
Module: Cloud-based IT-Infrastructure (6 ECTS)
You will learn about the technical and organizational aspects of global cloud infrastructures as a basis for digital innovation.
Module: Data Governance (6 ECTS)
You develop skills in working with data, understand data as an important corporate asset, learn about data architectures and models and deal with data security issues.
Module: Innovation Management (6 ECTS)
You will get to know the topic of innovation management from three perspectives: methods for developing innovative solutions, innovation management as a corporate function and selected approaches to innovation economics.
Module: Innovation Teams and Networks (6 ECTS)
You will optimize your ability to work in a team (a central learning and working mode during your studies) and sharpen your understanding of the function of innovation networks.
2nd semester
Module: Technology Lab: Cognitive Systems (6 ECTS)
You will deepen your knowledge of a sub-area of digital technology, e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Assistance Systems or Augmented Reality by getting to know selected systems and designing specific functions in a lab environment under supervision and implementing them in teams.
Module: People – Culture – Change (6 ECTS)
You deal with modern organizational concepts, leadership theories and personnel strategies as well as their impact on corporate culture and change leadership. You reflect on your personal approach to leadership, especially in situations characterized by uncertainty and high dynamics.
Module: Project Work: Innovation Challenge (6 ECTS)
You will apply innovation methods from the field of design thinking to develop new solutions for specific practical challenges in teams.
Module: Technology Management (6 ECTS)
As part of an international field trip, you will get to know the innovation culture of another country and deal with methods from the field of technology management.
Module: Strategic
Transformation (6 ECTS)
You will train your eye for the strategic perspective on the two core topics of the study program, “digital technology” and “innovation”.
3rd semester
Module: Project Work: Innovation Challenge & Prototyping (12 ECTS)
In agile teams, you will develop software prototypes for the innovative solutions you developed in the “Innovation Challenge” module (2nd semester) – with input phases, advice and coaching from lecturers.
Module: Project Work: Innovation Deployment (6 ECTS)
You will deal with technical, technical-organizational and economic challenges in the roll-out of digital innovation.
Module: Digital Trends (6 ECTS)
You develop an interdisciplinary overview of current trends in digital technology and deal with technical issues as well as questions of sustainability, user acceptance and the development of new business models.
Module: Thesis Preparation (6 ECTS)
You will develop an exposé for your Master’s thesis and receive feedback from other students and lecturers.
4th semester
Module: Thesis Coaching (6 ECTS)
Your Master’s thesis will be accompanied by feedback and exchange with other students and lecturers.
Module: Master’s Thesis (18 ECTS)
You will plan and implement an independent research, development or innovation project – usually with a concrete connection to your professional activity.
Final Exam (6 ECTS)
You will complete your studies with an overall examination. You will present your Master’s thesis and put the skills you have acquired during your studies to the test.
Jobs & Career
The Master’s program enables students to assume responsibility for the creation of new products and services using current digital technology, e.g. in the areas of product management, account management, innovation management, innovation consulting, applied research and development.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers about the Master’s program in Digital Innovation:
FHWien der WKW offers two interlinked Master’s programs at the interface of digital technology and innovation:
- Master’s program in Digital Innovation:
if you have previous business knowledge - Master’s program in Digital Technology & Innovation:
if you have previous knowledge of economics and information technology
Students on the two Master’s programs mainly study in joint modules in order to train interdisciplinary collaboration already during the studies.
At first glance, a Master’s degree in Digital Innovation seems like the logical choice if you have already completed a Bachelor’s degree. However, a second Bachelor’s degree can also be useful. This is quite common in the IT sector.
- Our Bachelor’s degree in Digital Business offers a broad basic education in digitalization. This includes technical and economic fundamentals as well as methods of business informatics – project and process management, data modeling and the development of digital business models.
- Our Master’s degree in Digital Innovation specializes in innovation through the agile application of digital technology.
The Master’s program in Digital Innovation and the Master’s program in Digital Technology & Innovation qualify students for a relevant doctoral program at a university.
On campus weekends and live online sessions
- 60 % online learning: reserve Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6.30 pm
- 8 weekends per semester on campus of FHWien der WKW, on Fridays from 3.45 pm and on Saturdays from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm
On campus weekends
September 27-28, 2024
October 4-5, 2024
October 18-19, 2024
November 8-9, 2024
November 22-23, 2024
December 6-7, 2024
December 20-21, 2024
January 17-18, 2025
February 28 – March 1, 2025
March 7-8, 2025
March 21-22, 2025
April 4-5, 2025
April 25-26, 2025
May 7-10, 2025 – international excursion
May 23-24, 2025
June 13-14, 2025
September 26-27, 2025
October 3-4, 2025
October 17-18, 2025
November 7-8, 2025
November 21-22, 2025
December 5-6, 2025
December 19-20, 2025
January 16-17, 2026
Curious about our study program? Inform yourself about the requirements and the admissions procedure at FHWien der WKW.
The waff, the Vienna Employee Promotion Fund, supports Viennese women who want to study digitalization, technology and ecology while working with a scholarship program.
Women, with main residence in Vienna, who
- are at least 25 years old or can prove at least 24 months of employment above the marginal employment threshold,
- whose highest educational qualification is a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree in a non-technical field,
- do not earn more than € 36,000 gross per year during their studies,
- who have a study place commitment in a part-time study program according to the list of study programs that can be supported in this program
- and who do not receive a student grant or a self-employed scholarship during their studies.
Scholarship amount
The total amount of the scholarship is € 9,000 for the intended duration of the Master’s program.
Consultation and Study preparation
- Consultation/Coaching before you start studying
- Prequalifying course/Qualification grant
Information & advice
If you have any questions, please contact the waff directly via e-mail ( or telephone (01 217 48 555).
Further information can be found here: