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Online-Workshop: Research Questions

24. April 2025 | 17:00 – 19:30
MS Teams
Kategorien: Writing Center
Blaues Fragzeichen auf pinkem Hintergrund
Fotocredit: Towfiqu Barbhuiya auf unsplash.com

The first stage in any academic project is deciding on a research question. However, this is not always straightforward, especially formulating it to be clear, focused and practicable. This workshop will guide you through the process of deciding on and narrowing down a topic, as well as considering any implications this may have for your research design and data collection. We will then use your question to decide on your claim and create a research argument around it, supported by reasons and evidence, in order to provide a strong foundation for your research projects.

The workshop will be held in English.

Please register for the workshops on Moodle.