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Research at FHWien der WKW

Publications & Presentations

Found 1530 publications

Selective Information Sharing of a Multi-Product Retailer in the Presence of Multiple Suppliers

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 16. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, German Economic Association for Business Administration, Hamburg (DE).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Synergieeffekte zwischen Forschung, Praxis und Lehre an Fachhochschulen: Ein ganzheitliches Konzept

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 9. Forschungsforum der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Hagenberg, Österreich, 08.04.-09.04
Authors: Lerch, A., Kump, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Teaching Creating Shared Value

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: The Annual Meeting of the Microeconomics of Competitiveness Network, Boston (US).
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

The art of using networks – How can tourism businesses effectively use their networks to enhance organizational learning and innvoation? A systematic literature review

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 5th International Conference on Tourism Management and Tourism Related Issues
Authors: Binder, P.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

The Diffusion of MBA Programs in Germany

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Symposium: Governance, Performance & Leadership of Research in Public Organizations, Munich (DE).
Authors: Fehre, K. & Schulz, A.-C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The How and When for Corporate Norm-Making

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA).
Authors: Scholz, M. & de los Reyes, G.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

The Impact of Earnings Pressure on Layoff Announcements

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: VHB Pfingsttagung, Vienna (AT).
Authors: Schulz, A.-C. & Wiersema, M. F.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The Intellectual Link between Management Research and Popularization Media: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Harvard Business Review

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Academy of Management Learning and Education, Vol. 14, pp. 31−49.
Authors: Schulz, A.-C. & Nicolai, A. T.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The Middleman as a Panacea for Supply Chain Coordination Problems

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 240 (3), pp. 393-400.
Authors: Arya, A., Löffler, C., Mittendorf, B. & Pfeiffer, T.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Types of organizational innovativeness and success in Austrian hotels

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Authors: Keßler, A., Pachucki, C., Stummer, K., Mair, M. & Binder, P.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Unabhängige Medienberichterstattung 2.0. Diskussion von Möglichkeiten der aktiven Partizipation der Zivilbevölkerung an der Erstellung unabhängiger Medienberichterstattung

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Underdocs Workshop 2015, University of Vienna
Authors: Séra, J.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Validation of a scale for measuring organizational dynamic capabilities.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 17th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology: Respectful and effective leadership - managing people and organizations in turbulent times (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway, May 20-23, 2015.
Authors: Engelmann, A., Kump, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Veränderungen umsetzen mithilfe der Balanced Score-Card (BSC)

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: HRweb
Authors: Hoormann, L., Kump, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Veränderungsprozesse in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Umsetzung nachhaltiger Speisepläne.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Forschungsfeld Gastronomie (57-68)
Authors: Fritz, K.; Pachucki, C.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

What is Wrong with Armchair Ethics

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Vancouver (CA).
Authors: Scholz, M. & de los Reyes, G.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Why Creating Shared Value Framework Cannot Restore Business Legitimacy

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (US), April 17.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Wirkung von Furchtappellen in der Werbung.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 57. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Universität Hildesheim
Authors: Kolar, G., Pittner, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Marketing & Sales Management

Würstl, Tofu oder doch Ananas?

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Forschungsfeld Gastronomie (S.19-55)
Authors: Fritz, K. & Sailer, E.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Zur Rolle privater Akteure, insbesondere Unternehmen, bei Armutsbekämpfung und Schaffung eines inklusiven Wirtschaftssystems

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Heft 1, pp. 10-13.
Authors: Ortiz, D.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

"Das Computermaxerl soll Gefühle zeigen" by Michael Loibner

Year of publication: 2014
Medium: Die Presse
Authors: Pezenka, I., Aunimo, L., Janous, G., Dobrowsky, D.
Category: Article in mass media
Study program: Marketing & Sales Management